
The massage treatments we offer.

Massage is purposeful soft tissue (ligaments, tendons, muscles) manipulation for the intent of therapeutic change. Massage improves the flow of blood and lymph (fluid in the lymph gland), reduces muscular tension, reduces stress and enhances tissue healing, resulting in improved health and well being.

Deep Tissue

Slow and firm pressure is applied to the layers of the soft tissues by using fingers, fists, forearms or elbows to help realign muscle fibres. Adhesions (knots) and scar tissue which may cause pain, inflammation and limit motion of muscles and joints are broken down. Heat, ice and specific stretching techniques may also be applied.

Deep tissue can help if you have chronic muscular pain or postural dysfunction.

Sports Massage

A combination of techniques is used to help athletes (and weekend warriors) prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recovery after an event, or function well during training. It emphasizes prevention and healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons.

BUT you don’t have to be an athlete to benefit from sports massage. It is also used for people with injuries, chronic pain or restricted range of motion.

Neuromuscular Treatment (NMT)

NMT uses specific science-based protocols which can be effective for clients who present with chronic pain and is often successful in reducing or even eliminating long standing painful conditions. The therapist is educated in the physiology of the nervous system and its effect on the muscular and skeletal systems.

Muscular spasms, trigger points, compression on nerves, postural imbalances, nutritional requirements and emotional wellbeing are important factors to be addressed.

Foot Joint Mobilization

If the foot is not functioning normally the nerves are stimulated in a confused manner and do not send correct information. When this happens the body works against itself causing achy joints, muscular fatigue and strain.

Foot joint mobilization uses 17 specific moves to realign the bones of the feet which should improve posture, stability and balance, resulting in more effective movement patterns.

Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger point therapy is a bodywork technique that involves the applying of pressure to hypersensitive spots in the muscle or fascia ( a knot) in order to relieve pain and dysfunction in other parts of the body. The referral pattern may include pain, an ache, tingling, numbness, itching or other sensations. Conditions that will benefit from trigger point therapy include: chronic headaches neck, jaw and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, lower back pain, sporting injuries, occupational injuries, reduced range of motion and/or weakness.

Swedish/ Relaxation Massage

Swedish or relaxation massage uses moderate strokes such as long gliding effleurage, friction and vibration which are designed to reduce muscle tension and calm the nervous system. It is exceptionally beneficial for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, improving circulation and flexibility.

You’ll leave feeling relaxed and refreshed!

Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy massage may help with the associated physiological, psychological and emotional changes experienced by the mother-to-be The client is massaged in the side lying position. Usually a light to moderate massage that targets areas of discomfort caused by the expanding body, eg lower back, hips neck and shoulders, calves and feet.

Myofascial Release

Fascia is the white connective tissue beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses and separates muscles and other internal organs. However, inflammation, fibrosis and thickening of the fascia can limit our range of motion and cause pain.

Myofascial release is a slow stretching technique that helps to “unstick” the fascia enabling the muscles to glide over each other and over the bones, relieving chronic pain, improving flexibility, posture and the immune system.

Bowen Therapy

Bowen therapy is a holistic, gentle, relaxing and safe technique that can be used on anyone young or old.

Bowen therapy targets the fascia. Fascia is the part of the connective tissue that envelops, separates and influences every organ and tissue in the body. During a treatment small moves are used across the muscles, tendon or ligaments, affecting the fascia to help treat musculoskeletal or neurological problems, including sports injuries and chronic conditions.

Sessions may be 30 minutes to an hour long. Small breaks up to 5 minutes may be used to help the body make adjustments. During this time the therapist may leave the room. This allows time for your body to respond to the treatment, and for the necessary changes to occur in your body before commencing the next sequence of moves.

It is important for the client to be well hydrated.